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PVC and professional garden hoses

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Flexible multilayer hose with exterior covering in ultra UV resistant PVC and with woven polyester fibre reinforcement and two-layer smooth lining, suitable for irrigation, watersupply and delivery in: farms, vegetable growers, horticulture, industry, construction sites and road works, gardening.

Yellow PVC covering
Woven fibre reinforcement
Smooth black two-layer inner tube

From -20°C up to +60°C

Farms, vegetable growers, horticulture, water supply and delivery in industry, construction sites and road works, gardening.

High flexibility for an easy handling. Excellent resistance to repeated bending, crushing and pulling as well as minor deformations under pressure. The very smooth lining maintains an even flow.
Very thick and made of high quality materials. Remarkable resistance to ageing with a good conservation of flexibility. Its outside cover brings a good protection against abrasion and ultraviolet rays.


Standard length 25 / 50 mt.

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Gomma Corvetto S.r.l. | Tel. +39 (039) 749 0365 r.a. | Cod.Fisc. | P.IVA 11350060155 | Copyright 2011
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